Distributing Skills Across a Continental Divide

The paper: Enabling Testing, Design and Refactoring Practices in Remote Locations was presented at the IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) in Berlin in March 2011.

All credit to Amey Dhoke, Greg Gigon, Kuldeep Singh and Amit Chhajed for putting this paper together; documenting our ideas on promoting learning practices for Distributed Teams.

Posted on March 23rd, 2011 in Talks, Team Development

  1. Kuldeep Singh April 22nd, 2011
    15:08 GMT

    From my perspective the key is trust and once that is established rest all flows from their.
    Its amazing how often we claim to work very well in distributed env without having this basic prerequisite.

  2. ben April 22nd, 2011
    17:17 GMT

    In prefer to think of it being the other way around. You need practices that force you to work together and through working together you build trust. Trust is the nirvana. The question is: how do you get there?

  3. Narayan Iyer June 22nd, 2011
    15:22 GMT

    I guess TRUST is like the chi the life-force which is itself needed to propagate. It is the means and the end.

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